Highlights of a spectacular summer Wildlife Journey safari to East Gippsland, Australia, from 6 to 9 January 2019, with Wildlife Guide Janine Duffy:
Some very special birds including the Peaceful Dove, a rare visitor to the area, a magnificent female Powerful Owl, Hooded Plovers, Wedge-tailed Eagle, White-bellied Sea-eagle, several Nankeen Night-herons, Little Terns, Spotted Quail-thrush, Australasian Gannet, Mistletoebird, Superb Lyrebirds and great views of a flock of Little Corellas playing.
Many reptiles including: Goanna (Lace Monitor), Jacky Lizard, Gippsland Water Dragon, Copper-tailed Skink and a Red-bellied Black Snake.
Mammals including: great views of a female Australian Fur Seal, Echidna up close, Grey-headed Flying-fox, lots of Red-necked Wallabies, Koalas, Swamp Wallabies & Eastern Grey Kangaroos.
For full wildlife species checklist for this tour click here.