by Janine Duffy | October 2, 2020 | Koala News, You Yangs Region
Latest new science and breakthroughs on koalas. Koalas drink stemflow – rain dripping down the trunk of a tree; koalas use ladder trees to make climbing easier; male koalas vocalise partly to avoid conflicts with other males; koalas use scattered paddock trees and can walk across open country; koalas use very young trees, as little as 2-4 years old.
by Janine Duffy | September 24, 2020 | Conservation Projects, Koala News, You Yangs Region
by Janine Duffy Boneseed (Chrysanthemoides monilifera) is an Invasive Weed of National Significance (1) that has infested the You Yangs Regional Park, VIC since being introduced for erosion control in the 1940’s. It spread rapidly after the 1985 Lara bushfires, and...
by Janine Duffy | September 16, 2020 | Conservation Projects, Koala News, You Yangs Region
by Janine Duffy Long-term koala Phascolarctos cinererus population research in Victoria is rare, especially in the grassy woodlands away from the coast. The You Yangs Regional Park, just west of Melbourne, is home to a koala population in a dry woodland, and has been...
by Janine Duffy | May 6, 2020 | Climate, Koala News, You Yangs Region
The purpose of our community information events and this article is to get trees planted for koalas on private land – urgently. Echidna Walkabout Nature Tours and Koala Clancy Foundation are working with local community to ensure that wild koalas have a future...
by Janine Duffy | October 4, 2019 | Climate, Conservation Projects, You Yangs Region
Parks Victoria are putting together a Master Plan for the You Yangs Region. Submission deadline is 16 October. We, and the koalas, urgently need your input. An email letter is the best way to get your voice heard. You can say what you want about the You Yangs and...
by Janine Duffy | September 24, 2019 | Aboriginal Culture, You Yangs Region
There is something welcoming about the You Yangs. Other mountains exist, higher and more dominating, but the gently-rounded triple peaks of the You Yangs capture everyone’s attention. .. They rise, indigo, out of a sea of golden grasses on the plains west of...