Wild Top End August 2015

by | Sep 3, 2017 | Wild Top End checklists

Highlights of Wild Top End safari to Kakadu, Mary River & Darwin, Australia with Wildlife Guides Roger Smith & Janine Duffy:

Lots of exciting birds including: Great-billed Heron, Black Butcherbird, Brown Quail, Glossy Ibis (picture above), White-bellied Sea-eagle, Striated Heron, Chestnut-quilled Rock-pigeon, Diamond Dove, Red-winged Parrot, Varied Lorikeet, Rose-crowned Fruit-dove, Little Bronze-cuckoo, Pheasant Coucal, Barking Owl, White-lined Honeyeater and Little Woodswallow

Northern Territory wildlife species seen on tour

Not a great picture, but such an exciting bird! Great-billed Heron flying

Northern Territory wildlife species seen on tour: Great-billed Heron

Great-billed Heron on Guluyumbi Cruise, East Alligator River

Mammals in particular: Dingo, Northern Brown Bandicoot, Black & Little Red Flying-fox

Northern Territory wildlife species seen on tour: Dingo

A lovely female Dingo seen on Opium Creek Station

Reptiles seen include: Black Whipsnake and Saltwater Crocodile

Northern Territory wildlife species seen on tour

Black Whipsnake, seen at Point Stuart Wilderness Lodge

For full wildlife species checklist for this tour click here.

Book this tour for yourself now.

Northern Territory wildlife species seen on tour

Lovely cycads at Mary River National Park