by Janine Duffy | April 6, 2023 | Ningaloo, Wildlife
It’s well known that whale sharks are huge, gentle fish that eat plankton and travel the world. But little else is known about this ocean giant, though scientists and tour operators are working fast to change that.
by Janine Duffy | March 12, 2020 | Maximum Wildlife, Wildlife
by Jessica Toreto Foxes that fly? What? Nooo! Flying foxes are gentle giants with a misleading name. They are bats! Yes, the largest bats on earth and the only mammals capable of active and sustained flight. Flying-foxes establish noisy daytime camps in trees where...
by Janine Duffy | June 26, 2019 | Wildlife News
The Australian Fur Seal is only found along the south-east coast of Australia: in Victoria, Tasmania & South Australia. Due to historic hunting, it is one of the rarest fur seals in the world. If you haven’t had an Australian Fur Seal encounter yet, consider going...
by Janine Duffy | May 22, 2019 | Wildlife News
Travelling along Australia’s Great Ocean Road, you are sure to see lots of wildlife in their natural habitat, including possibly an Eastern snake-necked turtle Chelodina longicollis. Here are 5 amazing facts that will help you enjoy and understand these sweet...
by Janine Duffy | November 1, 2016 | Koala News, Koalas & Kangaroos in the wild, Tours
Koalas are amazing. Even as adults they are impossibly cute, so just imagine how cute they are as babies! But there’s more to koalas than an adorable face – they have fascinating habits and an interesting lifestyle. Here’s five amazing facts about...