In October 2018 we ran a 3 week Maximum Wildlife tour around Australia for Charlie & Lynda from USA.
They very kindly put together an album of photos of the tour and granted us permission to share – here are the highlights of the 7 day East Gippsland (Wildlife Journey) section.
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Their Wildlife Guide for this part of their Australia trip was Martin Maderthaner – you’ll see him in some of the pictures.
You’ll see great pics here of Eastern Grey Kangaroos (great pics of two males fighting), Koala (seen at several locations on the tour), Echidna, Bare-nosed Wombat, Australian Fur-seal, Grey-headed Flying-fox and a pic of the fin of an endangered Burrunan Dolphin.
Wildlife highlights of this 7 day part of the 3 week trip that don’t feature in the photos were: Platypus, Humpback Whale, Glossy Black-cockatoo, Eastern Curlew, Black-faced Cormorant, Sooty Oystercatcher, Nankeen Night-heron, Pilotbird and Satin Bowerbird, Eastern Long-necked Turtle, Copper-tailed Skink and Eastern Bluetongue.
We particularly love the pics of the flying Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo, the Red-bellied Black Snake swimming in the Snowy River, a White-bellied Sea-Eagle being harassed by a Whistling Kite, a very cute Jacky Lizard looking up at the camera and the Hooded Plover, possibly on a nest in the sand.
You’ll also see pics of a flowering Waratah, a yellow Diuris orchid, and some wonderful seascapes and river scenes.
It means so much to us that Charlie & Lynda sent us these photos. Filing and editing photos from a 3 week wildlife tour around Australia is a big job. To share this with us is a great gift.
To book your own 7, 15 or 21 day Maximum Wildlife tour around Australia please contact us.