by Janine Duffy | November 6, 2018 | Our Koalas
Ruth Origin of name: One of our lovely guests, Leslie, was so keen to meet our koalas that she booked a Koalas & Kangaroos IN THE WILD tour, made a donation to Koala Clancy Foundation and respectfully asked if she could also join our Koala Conservation Day for...
by Roger Smith | June 30, 2017 | Climate, Conservation Projects, Wildlife
Climate Change: Act now to protect wildlife and jobs in tourism “If we wait for catastrophe to happen, as we are doing, it will be too late to act”. Ian Dunlop on Climate Change,Sydney Morning Herald, 19th May 2017 Echidna Walkabout’s Position Statement on...
by Janine Duffy | February 1, 2017 | Wildlife News
There’s something you can do right now that will help save a koala’s life. Go to your air-conditioner remote control and click the temperature button up once. Or, if you’re using a heater right now, click the temperature button down once. Easy, hey? This post is...