Highlights of 7 day Wildlife Journey / part of 21 day Maximum Wildlife to East Gippsland, Australia with Wildlife Guide Martin Maderthaner:
Mammals: Platypus, Echidna, Burunnan Dolphin, Humpback Whale, Australian Fur Seal, Bush Rat, Grey-headed Flying-fox, Red-necked Wallaby, Koala.
123 species of birds particularly Wedge-tailed Eagle, White-bellied Sea-eagle, Sooty Oystercatcher, Eastern Curlew, Nankeen Night-heron, Pilotbird, Glossy Black-Cockatoo, Superb Lyrebird, Satin Bowerbird and Black-faced Cormorant.
10 reptile species including Goanna (Lace Monitor), Eastern Long-necked Turtle, Copper-tailed Skink Eastern Blue-tongue, Yellow-bellied Water Skink, Jacky Lizard and Gippsland Water Dragon.

Grey-headed Flying-fox. Pic by Charlie Allen

Sooty (left) and Australian Pied Oystercatcher. Pic by Charlie Allen

Red-browed Finches. Pic by Charlie Allen
For the full wildlife species checklist from this tour click here.