5 Amazing Facts: Tawny Frogmouth Behaviour

5 Amazing Facts: Tawny Frogmouth Behaviour

Bird or branch? When we introduce travellers to their first Tawny Frogmouth there is a moment of disbelief. “Where?” they ask. “Right there, on the branch,” we reply. “All I can see is a branch.” “Yes, that branch is a bird.” The branch opens it’s eyes. “Oooohhhh!”...
Interesting Rainbow Pitta behaviour

Interesting Rainbow Pitta behaviour

The track through Kakadu beside the East Alligator River is narrow, short and walked by many. It is also one of the most reliable places to see a glorious top end bird: the Rainbow Pitta. Rainbow Pittas Pitta iris live in the monsoon forests of Australia’s Top End...
Bird tours with ethics

Bird tours with ethics

On Echidna Walkabout Bird Tours, ethics is top priority. Seeing as many birds as possible, and seeing them well, is a close and very important second. But on a bird tour, as on any tour, ethics can only be number one. Because nothing should ever be allowed to erode...